Thursday, October 13, 2011

I will never trust my hands

For once,
In a dream,
They became so searing hot
That they burned straight through my self.

I will never trust my mouth
For the words that flower from
this kettle, piping hot
float like steam, up, up, up.

I will never trust my nose
For each time
I smell peppermint
I think of needle and syringe.

I will never trust my eyes
For each sight
Is just a thought
Plucked from another man’s head.

I will never trust my feet
For they have led me
To heights where fear has leapt.

I will never trust my heart
For I have known it as a man.

I will never trust my mind
For once,
in a dream of fever,
it dreamt my death by mine own hand
and as I wept, rising to the sky,
I felt my body leave me.
And I could never trust a man,
Who left so slyly in the night
And I could never trust my form
That rose so quick from mine own sight.